Understand your Performance in the context of your Industry
Identifying trends and patterns: Benchmarks can help businesses to identify trends and patterns within the D2C industry, which can inform strategy and decision-making.
Setting goals: Benchmarks can be used to set goals for a business or industry, such as increasing market share or improving customer satisfaction.
Providing a reference point: Benchmarks can serve as a reference point for businesses to compare their performance against others in the industry, which can help to identify areas of strength and weakness.
The daily whatsapp reports of Velocity insights helps us give a quick overview of our paid marketing performance for the previous day. This helps us identify anomalies & any worrying trends much in advance.
With Velocity Insight, we are empowered to make more informed, data-driven decisions that allow us to iterate much faster in marketing while gaining a multi-dimensional view of the business experience now and in the future
Being an early stage, new-age challenger brand it becomes difficult at times to monitor the ad spends, marketing spends and other D2C metrics. Velocity Insights has helped me keep a track of all the D2C metrics with a simple, clean and well-structured interface.
Velocity Insights clearly sends me a snapshot of key data insights of my marketing performance on Whatsapp. I look forward to it every morning as it helps me stay on track.
Velocity Insights helps me keep track of my orders and marketing expenses. Further, Velocity Insights is also very helpful since it calculates metrics like blended ROAS which are cumbersome to calculate across platforms.
Velocity Insights helps me keep a combined track of my marketing activities. It provides a single-window with a clean interface to judge efficiency of marketing spend